Sunday, May 30, 2010


This time of the year always makes me wished I had planted something. Anything. Some beans at least so I can see them grow. I have a good friend who during the cold days made a greenhouse of her desk and by now probably has a full grown watermelon at this point.

I went home last week and my dad and I went to the greenhouse and got some presprouted veggies. Though he didn't plant the seeds, he got them at a point in which they were small and he could place them in the ground and eventually reap the harvest of those small plants. While choosing different veggies he wanted in his garden, we carefully read the labels and picked out plants that would yield a good number of vegetables. We chose a few, took them home so that they could be planted.

This got me thinking though about the people who plant and never see the harvest. Whoever planted that Roma tomato seed in the seedling container had no idea whether or not what they planted would grow into something fruitful. They would never see the product of their labor. And for them it's ok. They have to trust that whoever is going to get that plant is going to take care of it so it will yield whatever it's meant to yield.

I had a seed planting experience last week. I was at a popular fast food place with a friend when a young lady in line behind us engaged us in conversation. We talked, shared with her about our occupations and talked about the yumminess of our soon to be food experience. While my food was being prepared God told me, 'pay for her food." I argued in my head with God for a good five minutes, making one excuse after another why it wasn't a good idea. We ended up at the same register, me in front of her, so I asked, "may I pay for your food?" She freaked out. "OMG. Why would you do that. No one has ever done that for me before. No one is that nice - why do you want to pay for my food?" AWKWARD. I didn't tell her that I really didn't want to pay for her food, but I wanted to be obedient to God. So I shrugged, asked her again and she still said no.

Although initially I felt God left me out on a limb, I realized He knew there was some heart soil that needed a seed. Or some heart soil that had a seed and it needed watering.

I realized that sometimes we are not the ones who will see the produce/harvest. Sometimes we need to plant or water and let it go.

God help us to be laborers for the harvest. We don't want to be people who shrink back, but rather be people who march forward boldly and confidently in obedience and willingness. Give us clean hands, a pure heart, and a humble and willing spirit. Whatever the task may be, put a yes in our hearts and minds. In Jesus name. Amen.