Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Song for You

I had to go to the ATM today, but I stopped at a bank where I usually don't stop. It was on a main street in DC and there was a long line. I was honestly a little annoyed and on the verge of heading to another bank when I saw an old man walking in my direction, so I said hello. He said hello back, kept walking and then came back towards me.

Old Man: Can I sing you a song?
Me: Ummm, sure...

This man starts singing to me about being beautiful. Really loud too. And people started stopping on the street to look. I am mortified at this point, but the man wouldn't stop singing.

The most hilarious part of this is that I really was looking a little rough today. Ponytail, sneakers, and some corny jeans - I might pass for teeny bopper cute, but not deserving of a "beautiful" song. After about 3 minutes (no joke) of this song, he stops singing, tells me to have a blessed day, and walks off.

"Okay, that was weird," I thought to myself. And at that moment I heard God remind me of how He loves me and how He has called me beautiful. I realized that song that old man sang was for me, to remind me how God sees me. And when we make a decision to turn our heart towards Him and His ways we are able to fall more in love with Him.

God sings over us (Zephaniah 3:17). He wants us to know how much He loves us and in that we can respond to His love. We know Christ loves us because when even we were in sin, He had so much love for us that He died for us (Romans 5:8).

I encourage you to open your heart to God's love for you. Open your ears to the song He sings over you. His love for you is immeasurable. Respond to it.

My prayer...

Lord, thank You for your gift of salvation, even when I was in sin You died for me because of Your love for me. Thank you. Help me to live a life in Your love. Help me to grasp how deep, how high, and how wide Your love is for me. As I am healed, changed, and set free by Your love, help me to share Your love with others.
In Jesus' Name. Amen.


Danielle said...

Zephaniah 3:17 is one my favorite verses :)

Anonymous said...

you have some of the most random days, that's awesome tho!