I know people who write in their blog everyday, but quite frankly I am ...
1) Not that interesting
2) Not that deep
3) Not that funny

So here we go...
Don't you love people who are brutally honest (doing it in love, or so we hope) with you? For example, I had a conversation today with someone who told me...
"Your hair looks stringy, but it looks nice."
Ummmm. Okay. I started laughing (surprise, surprise) because I thought it was a hilarious comment. But you, my special blog reader, get to read what went through my head at that moment, in this order...
1) I haven't combed my hair in a day
2) Wait, I haven't combed my hair in two days
3) I found my night scarf this morning after last seeing it two days ago
4) Ooooohhh...it probably does.
I know this person was really trying to be nice about it and I wasn't quite sure what to say aloud after my burst of laughter, so I walked away. (Yes, I know - awkward - I am working on being less awkward.)
The amazing thing is that encounter made me thankful for all the people in my life who keep it real with me. We all need someone in our lives that help us to be a better us. Really though. I probably would have gone another day without a comb...why you ask? Sometimes I feel there are more important things than combing my hair in the morning (like brushing my teeth - hey sometimes when you have just a few minutes in the morning - its one or the other!) This person knew I would look so much cuter ;) if my hair wasn't looking stringy. And you know what... you better bet tomorrow I am going to rake a comb through my head!
Not only does God send people to speak some truth in love in our lives, or to sharpen our iron, but God himself wants to speak truth to us and make us more like Himself. That's the true better us. I encourage you to ask God to show you some "uncombed" areas of your life. In this season more than ever God is saying - be a better you! It may be that you read your Bible, but need to step it up and do some thinking about the Word. Maybe this is a time where you pray often but need to be more committed about fasting.
I know that God is calling me in some areas to be a better me - what is going to be your better you?
My prayer...
Lord, speak to me. Speak to my heart and open my spiritual eyes to the areas in which you are calling me to grow. Send people in my life who will help me be a better me and help to sharpen the areas that aren't quite together. Let me not be like one who looks in the mirror and forgets, but remind me of the beauty that You are creating from these ashes and the gold that You are bringing forth from the refining fire.
In Jesus' Name. Amen.
1 comment:
well i can't live a quarter life calm. i'm almost at the half way mark. lol. i am in agreement with you. i want God to expose those areas in my life that are just getting by and bring out His full potential. keep blogging girl. your words do inspire. and yes, you are interesting.
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